Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Towards Better Health

There are many stories and testimonials about how products help your physical and emotional life. I have been using a product for a year that gives me more energy, reduces aches and pains, has allowed my doctor to reduce dosages for high blood pressure and cholesterol and I sleep more deeply. What follows is another individual's story. Thanks for your interest!!

The Shannon Sistrunk Story

At age 29 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, hypertension and fatigue and suffered such severe headaches that I would have to stop what I was doing and sit down due to the severe pain – but not any more.

When I was first introduced to Synterra Health my wife and I had just gone through tremendous stress with the immediate hospitalization of our newborn daughter. That coupled with the demands of our other 4 children, my college schedule, our financial needs and life in general, my wife Jennifer and I had come to the end of our ropes both physically and financially.

I had always struggled with my health having been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia at a young age and having both parents being diabetics, it seemed certain that I would follow their path. I had continued to gain weight since age 30 and could never seem to gain control of it. I would wake up in the middle of the night shaking, and the only relief I could find was to eat something and within 30 minutes or so I could go back to sleep.

I had suffered with arthritis in my hands since age 35 due to previous injuries, and so bad was the pain I could not even pick a gallon of milk unless I used both hands. As soon as we started using the Synterra Health products we immediately saw an increase in energy that increased week after week. I also began to feel better throughout the day. Within a few weeks I realized that my hands did not hurt as much if at all, and I also realized I wasn’t waking up in the middle of the night with my usual shake! On top of that I soon realized I was losing weight! In just 5 months I have lost over 40 lbs and 5 inches off my waste!

I cannot remember when I have felt better!

Having been financially devastated in recent years I had all but given up on my dreams of a life of security for my family. But it was only through working alongside the management team at Synterra Health that I began learning that my dreams are not dead they are just dormant and that I could once again believe in myself.

I can say now that I am living my dream, and I find that each new day holds a special blessing for my family and me. I cannot thank Synterra Health enough for giving me back hope and an incredible opportunity. I not only have my life back, I have a brand new life filled with hope and confidence. Thank you Synterra!

For more information and to order Synterra, click on Show Me More!